These issues have been a concern for advertisers using OOH ads. The advertising has long been centered on the purchase of a space for a certain period of time or on the sale of a guaranteed number of plays.
LIVE BOARD handles operational advertising, also known as "programmatic OOH." This gives the advertiser maximum control of the period and amount of time that ads are posted. Our OOH ads are more efficient and effective than ever before.
LIVE BOARD allows advertisers to measure how many people saw their ads and whether or not they were effective.
It's the new 3A Standard of OOH: Accountability, Addressability, and Attribution.
The viewable area (where viewing is possible) for each installed screen is defined. Using DOCOMO's mobile data, we estimate the number of people in a screen's viewable area. A survey of people who might have viewed an ad is then conducted to calculate a View Ratio: the actual ad views vs. the number of ad viewers (impressions (VAC)).
LIVE BOARD is your one-stop-shop for purchasing digital OOH for different targets and environments. We use programmatic advertisement purchasing to allow you to buy ad inventory at optimal locations and time slots in single units of ad distribution.
We use DOCOMO data to identify potential viewers of an ad, based on the date and time of delivery. We survey possible viewers to measure brand recognition, interest, and intent to use.
We offer fully automated services, from media planning, to trading inventories and ad deliveries.
Advertisers can freely set periods and flexibly designate the time of day to suit their needs.